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Hilton Announces Improved Customization Support

News Hilton Worldwide announced new customization options for members of its loyalty program Hilton HHonors. By the end of this year guests will be able to check-in using their mobile devices and set other preferences in more than 4,000 Hilton properties around the world. New options available also include upgrade purchasing options, hotel floor plans with ability to choose a particular guestroom and other special requests.

According to the study performed by the hotelier, as many as 84% of hotel guests say they would be happy to choose a hotel room themselves. The hotelier now provides its customers with this ability, letting them choose not only room type, but also its location in the hotel. In order to pick a room, starting from 6 a.m. the day before arrival, members of Hilton HHonors program need to sign into their account using a smartphone, a tablet or a computer, open hotel floor plan and choose the preferred room. All guestrooms have description and photos to make the choosing process simple and convenient. Hotel lobby changes are reflected real-time, so guests can wait until the room is assigned to them.

Special requests function makes it easy for guests to order various amenities that will be delivered to hotel room before the arrival. Starting from 2015 Hilton also plans to equip most of its hotels with a special technology that will enable using smartphones as a hotel room key. Nowadays, guests need to come to the desk and pick the hotel key from the front desk. Digital check-out is another function that will be available to guests, and the bill will be automatically sent to the client’s email.

Currently, Hilton adds floor plans to its new app that is available for Apple and Android devices. By the end of the year, the abovementioned services will work for more than 650,000 guestrooms in 4,000 hotels.


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