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New Butler Program in Regent Hotels

News Have you ever thought about celebrity-level hotel service? These days, some hotels offer professional butler services, but they are available in selected luxury hotels only. The Taipei-headquartered Regent Hotels & Resorts decided to add this exclusive service as a part of its service quality enhancement program. According to the program, some existing staff members will be trained to become butlers. The hotelier will also hire professional butlers who will not only work in Regent hotels, but also visit sister hotels and share their experience with the staff.

The name of the program is “Journey of the Stars”. Only most well-known and respected butlers will be able to participate and share their knowledge with future butlers. Regent hotels have a long experience of serving celebrities of the international level. Its butlers have served such well-known figures and Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, Mariah Carey, and many others. The training program was first launched in 1990. In order to apply for the program, you must work in Regent hotels at least one year. Successful candidates will study in a six-month course that includes several training programs. Future butlers train their foreign language abilities and practice in different parts of hotels, including room service department, front desk, restaurants, kitchens, and the concierge.


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