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Organic Gardens in Regal Hotel in Hong Kong

News Organic gardens in the territory of hotels become a hot trend these days. More and more people follow healthy lifestyle and want to eat not only fresh, but also organic food both at home and in a trip. Hoteliers have responded the emerging demand by offering fresh, right from a bed, products. Regal Hotels International is no exception as the company has started its “We Love Our Planet” initiative. The program includes making organic gardens in all the hotels in Hong Kong that belong to the hotelier.

The garden in Regal Hotel in Hong Kong occupies an area of 368 sq. ft. (34 sq. m.) – this is enough to grow some sorts of herbs and vegetables. Currently there are such popular herbs as basil, lemongrass, and Thai chili in the garden. All the vegetables and herbs grown are then used in food & beverage outlets of the hotel.

According to general manager of area, John Girard, they are now attempting to get a full organic certification for the products grown in the garden. They follow strict rules in order to make their vegetables and herbs fully organic. They believe such an approach is not only eco-friendly and great for guests of the hotel, but also allows reducing the carbon footprint of the hotel, so it helps the environment of the region too.


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