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Guinea Pig Dish in a UK Hotel

News The Earl of Doncaster hotel located in Doncaster, the UK, has prepared a special event for its guests. Once a month visitors of the hotel have an opportunity to participate in an unusual “Guinea Pig Night”. This event is a great way to try new dishes from the hotel’s Café Bar Concerto. Guests are asked to eat and to vote for the dishes they liked so the meals can be included in the regular menu.

The participation in the night costs £15 (US$24) per person. For this money participants get a special three-course meal cooked by Chef Paul Thompson. The meal includes a glass of house wine. The price seems to be quite low for the three-course meal, but the catch is that visitors do not know the event’s menu in advance.

The manager of the hotel in Doncaster Fraser Wolstencroft says they are very delighted with the idea. This way they let diners make the final decision for the food they try. This way people not only judge food, but also provide valuable feedback. Such an approach makes the hotel’s café more personal and more likely to attend new visitors not only for Guinea Pig Night events.


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