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Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore Launches Garden Wing

News Shangri-La has finally launched its Garden Wing after a long renovation that took more than eight months. The Singapore-based hotelier invested as many as US$51.3 million into this project. During the renovation all the rooms and suites of one of the hotel’s wings were completely changed. Other facilities added include the spa centre, Waterfall Garden Café, and a special area dedicated to events and called The Deck.

Guests of this amazing hotel will be surely excited to see its unusual design – guests will be surrounded by over 6 hectares of greenery. All guestrooms and suites of the Garden Wing are equipped with large balconies that feature stunning looks of the blooming garden and swimming pool. There are also special Premier Balcony Suites (three suites in total), which come with a private outdoor whirlpool and an own grill for barbecue.

Shangri-La hotel in Singapore has always targeted itself as an urban resort. The beautiful hotel has such unusual attractions as a koi pond and wonderful cascading waterfalls. Guests of this hotel are welcome to participate in various interesting activities, such as tai chi. In the evening everyone is welcome to participate in a special koi fish feeding ceremony. Garden Wing is also notable for its eco-friendly technologies. For example, special solar panels are used to heat water for the hotel, and a special water catchment system is an environment friendly way to irrigate numerous plants and trees in the garden. Energy-saving technologies have also been applied to air conditioning that has special sensors in the balcony door.

The rooms are already available for booking, Waterfall Garden Café is accepting visitors since the next month, and The Spa will be launched in August.


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