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Hotels in Tokyo Will Bloom, While Barcelona Accommodations Will Have Flat Revenues

News According to the new stats issued by STR Global, hotels in Tokyo, Japan, will feature high level of RevPAR growth in 2012, while hotels in Barcelona will have flat revenues.

Hotels in Tokyo may have a good year as the revenues here are expected to add as much as 13.9%. Both room rates and occupancy are expected to grow, finally overcoming weak results of 2011. In Q1 of 2011 the occupancy of Tokyo accommodations was 71.5%. After the earthquake the occupancy lost 21.1%. Stabilizing of this figure took the city the last two quarters of the year. The total ADR for 2011 was 6.7% below the level of 2010 and estimated US$165.77. During the Q1 of 2012 occupancy added 11.1% to the level of 79.5%. Current ADR level is slightly worse than the total ADR for 2011 – down 0.3%.

STR predicts occupancy to grow in 2012 and 2013. This will help to increase ADR and, thus, RevPAR. The only possible trouble is the challenges of the Japanese economy and its slow recovery. This is particularly true for the regions affected by the tsunami.

The results of Barcelona accommodations may not be that optimistic in 2012 and 2013. Experts foresee quite a modest improvement after successful 2011, when the growth of RevPAR estimated 8.5% (US$102.57). Such a growth in revenues has become possible thanks to the increase of occupancy of 4.5% and the growth of room rates of 3.8%. While the Eurozone is distinguished by an uncertain economic situation, RevPAR may even feature small declines of approximately 0.7% and 0.8% for 2012 and 2013 respectively. However, 2013 may also bring some improvements because of a series of large business events that are to be held in Barcelona in 2013.


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