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The Global Hotel Supply Added 1.6% in 2011

News The compound annual growth of hotel supply around the world was increased by 1.6% in 2011. This data is present in the latest report by STR Global.

As expected, the growth is mainly geared up by Asia Pacific, which showed the growth of 2.7%. The Middle East and Africa occupy the second place with the increase of 2.5%. In February 2012 the global number of rooms worldwide was equal to 13,443,014. The global hotels supply has added over 2,315,000 guestrooms since 2000.

North America remains the leader in the number of branded hotel rooms – over 66% of all hotels belong to famous brands. The hotel inventory of the region has the share of 41.4% in the global room stock and is equal to 5,565,866 guestrooms. Europe occupies the second place with 29.7% of the world’s hotels and 3,998,603 guestrooms in accommodations across the region. Finally, the third place is occupied by Asia with 21.6% of the global hotel inventory or 2,897,823 guestrooms.

The share of independent hotels keeps decreasing, losing its positions to branded hotels. Nowadays the growth of the world’s hotel supply increases mainly because of hotels in Asia, Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. The majority of the new hotels opened in these regions belong to luxury and upper upscale segments. The growth of supply in these segments estimated 3.2% and 3.9% respectively. Economy and midscale segments in North America showed the decrease of 0.3% in 2011.

The average growth of room inventory in Europe during the 12-year period estimated 1.1%. The most developing segments were upscale and upper midscale hotel segments. During the mentioned period the share of hotels in these segments was increased from 39% to 41%. The share of economy and midscale segments decreased from 46% to 44%.


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