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Marriott Launches New Charity Program for Its European Hotels

News A week ago Marriott International Inc. has launched its new charity program that will work exclusively in the hotelier’s properties in Europe. “World of Opportunity” will help young people with problematic background to find new jobs and get new prospects for work.

All visitors of the company’s 280 hotels in Europe can participate in this fund raising program. All donations will be transferred to 2 charitable organizations – The Prince’s Trust Faibridge program (valid in the United Kingdom) and SOS Children’s Villages (works in Continental Europe).

Economic crisis has even worsened the situation with young unemployed people in Europe. Marriott spokesman has commented this initiative telling that businesses should bear social responsibility and try to help to solve problems of the communities they operate in.

Participating in this program is very simple. On February Marriott will donate 1 pound or euro (depending on the hotel’s location) from each dinner or lunch ordered in the hotelier’s restaurants. These funds will be used to organize educational and employment programs for European youth and help young people to change their lives.

This is not the first charity initiative of Marriott. The company is known as an active participant of various programs aimed to help poor people to get shelter and food, help to improve children’s health, and creating new career opportunities. In 2010 the famous hotelier donated $34.6 million in total in various programs.


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