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Will Buckingham Palace be Turned into a Hotel?

News The new biography of the Queen Elizabeth II has been just published and it contains some very interesting information. According to the book, Prince Charles has plans about turning Buckingham Palace into a luxurious hotel!

The book, which is written by Andrew Marr (a BBC journalist), has a suggestion about the future of the most famous palace of the London. The royal palace can be turned into a 775-guestroom hotel in order to generate revenue. Most probably, the palace will not be open for general public and will accept only special guests like members of government. A part of the palace may be turned into a museum.

Currently state rooms of Buckingham Palace are open for visitors, but there are some limitations. The general public can visit it only two months a year – on August and September. According to the official statement of the palace’s management, no plans concerning the opening of a hotel in the palace are in the work at the moment.

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