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Wyndham Hotel Group Will Open Three Hotels in India

News Wyndham keeps expanding in India and announces three more deals in this country. These will be a hotel in Ghaziabad, a hotel in Agra, and a hotel in Aleppey. All properties will be opened under the Ramada and Wyndham Hotels & resorts brands. These new properties increase the total number of Wyndham’s hotels in India under development up to 15. Other 14 hotels by this famous hotelier already operate in the country.

According to Ken Greene, the president and the managing director of Wyndham Asia Pacific, India is one of the key markets for the company. The increased number of international tourists and growing in-country tourism make opening hotels here advantageous. The company plans to explore not only largest cities of the country, but also the secondary ones. This time Wyndam is particularly happy about the opening of a hotel in Agra, which is known as a popular tourist destination. Opening hotels in India is a part of the company’s global strategy of increasing its presence in all famous and sought after destinations around the world.

No detailed information about these three hotels is available at the moment. Right now it’s only revealed that Wyndham Grand Agra hotel will have 154 guestrooms and is scheduled for opening already in the end of this year.

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