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Hotels in Asia Pacific Serve More Tourists

News According to the newest data provided by PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association), more tourists come to have rest in this region. In July 2011 the increase estimated 7% comparing to the previous year.

The growth in this region is stable and is forecasted to improve in the nearest future. The recovery phase peaked in July. The growth of arrivals from January to June 2011 has estimated 5%. Among the countries of Pacific Asia South Asia is the leader with the growth of 14%. The second place is occupied by Southeast Asia (+12%). The growth of tourists in Northeast Asia estimated 4%. The rest of Asia Pacific features the increase of just 1%.

In July 2011 90,000 more international visitors arrived to South Asia. The most popular destinations here are hotels in the Maldives (+27%), Nepal (+20%), and Sri Lanka (+32%). Thailand is the most popular destination among the countries of Southeast Asia. Finally, Northeast Asia doesn’t show best improvements, but the total number of tourists is very sufficient. In July 2011 hotels in China were visited by 260,000 more tourists than in July 2010. Other popular locations here are Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, and Korea. The number of visitors in Japan has decreased by 36%.

Other countries of Asia Pacific have not drawn much additional attention from international visitors. Here best results show New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, the Cook Islands, Palau, and Vanuatu.

Despite recession Asia Pacific region shows strong performance, becoming more attractive for international tourists. The number of tourists from some countries, from example, from Russia, has increased by more than 50%.

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