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London Hilton on Park Lane has completed a costly renovation

News After the completion of a £5 million renovation, the Hilton London on Park Lane hotel boasts new executive rooms and suites. The renovation work took place over 5 months, with the hotel closing off under-repair sections of the hotel in London to ensure guests would not face any disruption.

"Modern interior design in a warm and soothing color scheme helps to provide comfort and provoke feelings of well-being. We chose natural shades such as dark brown, green and blue so guests can enjoy a homely atmosphere combined with the luxury of our hotel”, said the Hilton London on Park Lane's general manager Michael Shepard.

According to, the rooms are furnished with custom designed elegant furniture, such as a charming desk chair and footstool and equipped with new window seats for enjoying the magnificent London views.

In addition to the renovating works listed above, about 2.5 million pounds was spent on installing a Destination Management System into the four hotel elevators. A new system operates through external panels installed on each floor, where guests can choose their destination. The system automatically selects the most suitable elevator and guests are told which one to take. It helps to significantly reduce waiting time and more efficiently take guest to their chosen floor.

Other refurbishments affected the Grand Ballroom and the Wellington Ballroom, which have been fitted with new beautiful carpets.

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