Safaris are quite popular in Krabi, and besides diving, sunbathing and swimming in the Andaman Sea, other water activities such as kayaking, fishing, boating, and yachting are equally enjoyable. Travelers will certainly appreciate hiking in the mountains. Beginners will be able to learn climbing under the clear guidance of an instructor, and more experienced climbers can find that this is one of the best places on the planet for their favorite pastime. Mother nature has created all the conditions for that. You can take tours from Tex Rock Climbing or visit Hollow Mountain Extreme Adventure Park to have a good time. Bungee jumping is available here as well.
Another great place to spend time actively is Zipline Adventure by Aonang Fiore Resort, where you can climb a rope course. However, the same can be found in Krabi Fun Park, which promises an equally exciting experience. Karting is another popular entertainment in Krabi, and you can try it out in Krabi Kart Speedway. Those who wish to improve their accuracy should go to Krabi Shooting Range - especially if you're traveling with friends, as this is one of the best activities for a noisy company.
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