Young people have another good tradition. They go out and generously splash water on each other which also represents purification and washing away all of their wicked thoughts from the old year and the beginning of a fertile year. The historical roots of this tradition go back into much further past. Hundreds of years ago, on the first day of the New Year the locals prayed for the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rain, which would guarantee them a rich harvest and a full year. Tourists are attracted to the Songkran Festival mostly by entertaining street activities where not only people but also elephants participate.
It is these majestic animals that are the main ‘’pourers’’ who spray water at tourists and passers-by. Solemn processions on elephants are held on the streets of all major cities. A good year will be guaranteed to those whom an elephant splashes from head to toe. So the crowds are struggling to attract the attention of the animals and their riders. The guests are also offered a tasting of original treats and a visit to numerous beautiful street performances.
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