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Hotels in The Hague Enjoy More MICE Visitors

News The Hague hotels were definitely enjoying more visitors last year as the city becomes an increasingly more popular destination for all kinds of meetings and conferences. The latest report by The Hague Convention Bureau (THCB) proves that the Dutch city welcomed more visitors of this category in 2017. According to the bureau, The Hague can potentially become the second most popular city for conferences and meetings in the Netherlands in the nearest future.

The data provided by the Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) states that in 2017 The Hague hosted as many as 149 international meetings. That is 10% more than in 2016. An average visitor of these meetings spent 4.6 days in The Hague in 2017, which is 22% longer than in 2016 and 69% longer if compared to 2014. The economic impact of this change is significant – extra 70 million euro.

The Hague is a truly cosmopolitan city as it is home to more than 200 international organizations. However, it is possible to attract even more visitors from all over the world. The city’s government also understands the importance of the hospitality industry for the wellbeing of The Hague, so Karsten Klein, current Deputy Mayor, underlines that it is vital to attract more conferences, fairs, and visitors to the city. They want to make The Hague the International City of Peace and Justice, the place that will be the global frontrunner in many aspects, such as cybersecurity, for example. That said, The Hague’s government wants to attract not only conferences of all kinds in general. Their ultimate wish is to the make The Hague a traditional location of meetings that are in line with the profile of the city. That will improve the positive image and help to develop the economy.

In order to make that wish come true, THCB decided to collaborate with a network of partners in order to promote the city and improve its reputation as a perfect destination for various meetings and conferences. The effect of this collaboration is hard to overestimate – last year, thanks to these efforts, it became possible to attract 47 more conferences to The Hague. The economic impact of these events reached 47,676,000 euro.

The Hague is an internationally acclaimed destination that got several prestigious titles in 2017, including the Silver M&IT award in the “Best Overseas Convention Bureau” category, two C&IT awards, and the MIMA Award. According to THCB, they will continue promoting the city and hope to make it one of the top 50 destinations for events in the world.


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