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Colors of Cagliari - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

Palme The best way to learn the culture of the locals is to visit one of numerous festivals that regularly take place in Cagliari. They are organized literally every season. During fascinating and interesting celebrations participants can fully appreciate traditions and customs of the indigenous people, their music, national folklore, and culinary specialties, which are an important part of every national culture. Sant'Efisio remains the most striking national festival of the city. For the first time it was celebrated more than 350 years ago. This festival takes place in May and is dedicated to the memory of one of the saints, whose execution took place near Nora Church.
1. The best way to buy food products is to go to one of local markets. The prices for all types of goods will be lower by approximately 40% comparing to large supermarkets and grocery … Open
The culmination of the festival is a solemn procession that passes through the main streets of the city and ends near the church. Dressed in ancient costumes, people carry a huge wooden statue of the saint and walk in the main streets of the city, praising his great deeds. Mass festivities last several days, and the festival is traditionally accompanied with interesting musical and theatrical performances. Visitors of the city are always actively involved in this amazing celebration. Actually, all you need to do is to choose an original costume and learn several simple national songs.
September is the time for Fish Festival that will be surely enjoyed by all gourmets. During the days of the holiday all restaurants and cafes of the city offer a special fish menu to their guests. The food is served in specially equipped tents on the beach, where visitors can taste the best and most delicious seafood dishes. Octopus in garlic sauce cooked in accordance with a special recipe, fish platter and white fish fillet with fried potatoes as a side dish - these are just some festive dishes that are usually prepared during the festival. Copyright
Experienced chefs and talented "self-taught" cooks participate actively in preparation of the most incredible food. Ordinary viewers act as judges as they are welcome to try the dishes cooked. Travelers will also be interested in attending various wine festivals that are held in Cagliari several times a year. These holidays traditionally attract both collectors and curious tourists from different countries. These festivals are a great place to enjoy the flavor and taste of young wine and rare collectible drinks. Such festivals will be liked by absolutely everyone.
Nora Sa Sartiglia festival is one of the most popular and mesmerizing events in the festival calendar or Cagliari and Sardinia in general. The event is celebrated in the middle of February. It is an amazing opportunity to return 500 years back without a time machine and have fun the way people did that in the past. Visitors will be able to see horse processions, fancy dress parades, theatrical performances, music concerts, and much more. Competitions of experienced horse riders usually attract many viewers. This fabulous event lasts three days, during which locals and tourists who are lucky enough to visit the carnival indulge in the atmosphere of never-ending fun and forget about all troubles.
In Cagliari, fans of shopping should visit not only big shopping centers but also colorful and charming local markets. For instance, San Benedetto Market offers a range of interesting goods. … Open
In summer, tourists have an amazing opportunity to visit another interesting event - Notti Colorate Festival. It is a unique illumination show that changes the look of Cagliari on weekends. Moreover, the color of illumination is different every Saturday and Sunday. This is an amazing opportunity to see the fabulous effects of light. Combinations of yellow, red, white, and blue lights perfectly underline the beauty of the city and allow seeing major landmarks in a new way. The festival starts at the beginning of the second summer month and ends in the middle of September. As a rule, all central streets of Cagliari get special illumination for Notti Colorate. In addition to the magnificent illumination that certainly adds its charm to the city, numerous restaurants and cafes offer their special festive menu during this event.
Bastione San Remy The end of October marks the start of an interesting one-day-long festival - Giornata Nazionale del Trekking Urbano. As it is not hard to guess by the name, this event is dedicated to sport and eco-tourism that are so popular these days. However, the festival’s schedule features not only sports competitions but also an interesting gastronomic program. Every year, the festival is dedicated to a certain theme, for example, to wild nature (in this case, the trekking route crosses areas of untouched nature) or mysteries and legends (participants travel to mystic areas).
Once Cagliari was a large base of marine military forces. It was conquered by the Spanish and Pisa troops, and during the times of World War II the biggest part of the city was turned into … Open
Among national holidays celebrated in Cagliari (and across Sardinia), Easter (Semana Santa) and Christmas (Natale) are the most popular. Easter is a family holiday. In the morning, locals usually visit church for a special festive mass. Before Christmas (namely, at the beginning of December), Fiera Internazionale della Sardegna hosts Fiera di Natale, which is a wonderful place to purchase gifts and ornaments for the celebration. Cagliari becomes a truly magical place during the Christmas season thanks to a special fairy-tale atmosphere, fabulous decorations, and theatrical performances. Besides Fiera di Natale, tourists can visit Mercatino di Natale that is located on via Roma or Pirri streets.
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Reference information
Map of all churches
Cathedrals and basilicas near Cagliari
♥   Cattedrale di S. Maria di Castello, Cagliari, 0.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica di Nostra Signora di Bonaria, Cagliari, 1.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica Sant’Elena Imperatrice, Quartu S. Elena, 6.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Concattedrale San Pantaleo, Dolianova, 19 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Ex cattedrale S. Maria di Montserrat, Tratalias Vecchia, 48.8 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Cattedrale di S. Chiara d’Assisi, Iglesias, 51.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica di S. Antioco Martire, Sant’Antioco, 59.7 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all castles
Survived castles around Cagliari
♥   Castle 'Castello San Michele' Cagliari, 3.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Castello di Villasor' Villasor, 23.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Car rental on Rentals in Cagliari

Preferred to Open 9 New Hotels in 2022

In September 2022, the Sommerro hotel in Oslo will start operating in a carefully restored 1930s Art Deco building. This building is a true landmark of Frogner, a historic neighborhood of the Norwegian capital. A multi-million-dollar renovation carefully turned the largest preservation project in Norway into a modern hotel with 231 rooms, including 56 residences. Preferred will open five more hotels in 2022, namely, The Wall Street Hotel in New York, Amrit Ocean Resort & Residences on Singer Island (Florida, the US), TOA Hotel & Spa in Zanzibar, Pendry hotel in Washington, and Pendry Park City hotel in Utah. Read this


Colors of Cagliari in photos

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Traditions and festivals in cities around Cagliari

Cityguide on traditions, mentality and lifestyle of people in Cagliari. Learn the best periods to visit Cagliari to discover its soul - authentic festivals, events and celebrations. We will also reveal the interesting habits, attitude towards the world and to tourists in Cagliari. - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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