Thus, the non plus ultra of insolence is considered to be chewing a gum. Gum chewing in the street is inexcusable as the case will definitely incur disfavor of companions and even strangers in the street. High words are also discouraged by local people. No matter how hot the dispute is one should necessarily keep to a gentle voice. Emotional outpouring as well as loud laughing in public places are considered to be mauvais ton.
The same exciting feature of Manila and Philippine Islands in general is healers. Skilled Aesculapians possessing mystique healing gift, reflected glory on the Philippines. Their skills have been hot disputed for many years. Annually more and more tourists arrive at the resort haunting the only goal – to get healers treatment. The healers carry out the hardest surgeries without any special equipment and instruments as their main tools are still gifted hands.
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