Among other palace buildings the Peristyle is noteworthy; it is a monument of the Roman Empire. It is a large rectangular courtyard surrounded by tall pillars; the large-scale building was used for ceremonies. Nearby is the so-called Hall - a beautiful round hall with a dome, which was used as an entrance to apartments of the emperor.
In the tiny historic town there is the Temple of Jupiter; in the Middle Ages it was converted into a Christian church. Surprisingly, the building has escaped destruction, and it has preserved to our days literally in its original form. Split is also famous for numerous cultural venues, the most visited among them is the Archaeological Museum of Split.
It was founded in 1820; it is the oldest museum in the country. Its collection includes about 150,000 exhibits. The collection of jewelry and precious stones attracts the attention of visitors more than any other. Guests of the museum can see unique historical artifacts there.
Art lovers will enjoy the Mestrovic Gallery, it acquaints visitors with works of the prominent Croatian sculptor. The gallery is located in a beautiful palace of the early 20th century built by the sculptor for his family. You have to include a visit to the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments to the entertainment program. It is also one of the oldest cultural venues in Croatia. Among the exhibits there are statues of the age of more than a thousand years, but the majority of exhibits dates back to the early Middle Ages.
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